A great lockdown activity that Evelyn enjoyed was creating and inventing words. We both spent a lot of time laughing and coming up with different ideas of wordplay, and Evelyn’s favourite resulted from an innocent stumble during a planned shopping list; the word ‘noodle’ got crossed with ‘huddle’ and became ‘hoodle’.
After the hilarity had dissipated, we started to think about the word ‘hoodle’ and put together a list of possible meanings- it could be a secretive meeting, or an animal from a distant land, or it could be a verb, as in ‘to hoodle your way out of something’.
We all deal with words every day and there is no doubt that we need to be careful with words and how we use them, however they are also a source of great fun and we can use them to tap into our own creativity whether it is using words to create a book or inventing our own language. How many meanings can you and your family come up with, or maybe you can think of other new words that you can discover......
Simon Hood